Every mood has two sides one is for you and the other is for me

Adila Qamar
Jan 25, 2022


Photo credit myself

Every mood has two sides one is for you and the other is for me

Collect everything that interests you and make them all free

Think others as losers and only believe in what you see

Hold your ideas, creations practice them everywhere so that you can easily flee

Innocence is an offense in your eyes so hang me for the sake of equality

I live no longer, believe no further it’s all about an emotional tranquility.

Search yourself if you can find you till the perpetuity

No better is better than what I can be

Wrote this poem while wandering by the Lake Ontario


If you like my thoughts you are welcome to share your opinions, thanks



Adila Qamar

Writing about life relations Self-healing & love has been my greatest passion.